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English Language Testing for 457 Visas

English Language Testing for 457 Visas

The English language requirements for the 457 visa were changed effective 18 April 2015. From this date, an average band score for most of the tests is required, as well as a minimum band score in each component. Previously, a higher minimum score in each band was required.

The required scores for each English test are as follows:

Certain non-citizens whose applications refused in Australia (Act, s 48)


Certain non-citizens whose applications refused in Australia (Act, s 48)

             (1)  For section 48 of the Act the following classes of visas are prescribed:

                     (a)  Partner (Temporary) (Class UK);

                     (b)  Partner (Residence) (Class BS);

                     (c)  protection visas;

                    (ca)  Medical Treatment (Visitor) (Class UB);

                     (e)  Territorial Asylum (Residence) (Class BE);

                      (f)  Border (Temporary) (Class TA);

                     (g)  Special Category (Temporary) (Class TY);

                     (h)  Bridging A (Class WA);

                      (j)  Bridging B (Class WB);

                     (k)  Bridging C (Class WC);

                      (l)  Bridging D (Class WD);

                    (m)  Bridging E (Class WE);

                  (ma)  Bridging F (Class WF);

                  (mb)  Bridging R (Class WR);

                     (o)  Resolution of Status (Class CD);

                     (p)  Child (Residence) (Class BT).

Note:          Section 48 of the Act limits further applications by a person whose visa has been cancelled, or whose application for a visa has been refused.